
Measures for sustainable change and improvement of working conditions in the Ministry of Interior

In the process of implementation of the project “Decent work latest’ challenge: risk and stress management”, funded by Innovation Norway, TUFEMI has developed a strategy for improving working conditions and managing risk and stress at work.

Unfortunately, the main conclusions we reached in 2013, again in a project funded by Innovation Norway – “Decent work greatest challenge: occupational stress”, are reconfirmed 7 years later. The main sources of stress as well as causes of increased risk in the workplace are caused by  systemic problems that have been accumulating, worsening and neglected for more than 10 years.

As a result, it has been found that it is impossible to ensure the safety and decent working conditions in MoIs  workers unless the system itself is completely changed, as it is currently focused on accountability and statistics rather than employees and their health and safety.

It is for this reason that the TUFEMI has developed proposal for strategic change with three main priorities, including a comprehensive proposal to improve the working conditions of those working in the MoI, which is embedded in two strategic priorities. If these measures and proposals are adopted and implemented, the Ministry of the Interior will become an institution in which people have confidence, and those who work in it are decently paid, protected and with clear horizons and vision for professional development.




1) Enhancing the quality of the security service delivered by the MoI, by:

A) Identifying the specific needs of Bulgarian citizens in terms of their personal security, structuring access to a quality security service and comprehensively changing the way public order and security policies are planned and financed.

 (Identification of the frequency, timing and adequacy of the response of the regional units of the Ministry of the Interior to the most massive security incidents and risks to which Bulgarian citizens fall victim.  Identification of the main reasons for delays in response, availability of personnel, availability of necessary equipment, qualification of personnel, etc. This is done through an in-depth and functional analysis of the MoI and a nationally representative survey, subsequent analysis, public discussion, drafting of specific policy proposals at regional level, coordination of these policies with stakeholders and citizens and their subsequent endorsement and adoption at national level.) 

B) Establishment ( including material and financial provision) of uniform minimum standards for professional training, equipment, protection and response time of Ministry of Interior officers.

C) Enhancing public confidence and the image of the Ministry of the Interior.

(Part of the tools to achieve these goals are the development and improvement of the social dialogue depoliticization of the Ministry of Interior, annual reporting of the results achieved at local, regional and national level according to clear, validated and understandable by the public criteria. Another important measure that will contribute to increasing trust is the preparation of a strategy for the formation of a security culture among Bulgarian citizens, to be implemented by various agencies and NGOs, but its implementation to be coordinated by the Ministry of Interior).


2. Increasing efficiency and reducing costs as a result of changing and reorganizing the structure of the Ministry of Interior by removing all units with duplicative functions and activities (after a structural and functional analysis to be discussed with trade unions and subjected to public consultation).


3. Establishment of  unified system for the management of occupational stress and risk at the workplace, as well as a system for motivation and career development (vertical and horizontal) of Ministry of Interior employees, based on clear and objective criteria (the system will be prepared after a study of the attitudes and expectations of employees, active interaction with trade unions and in line with the vision for the development of the Ministry of Interior and the established security policies).





First stage. Assessment of the situation.

In-depth analysis (structural and functional) of the state of the Ministry of Interior’s structure and staffing, its financial and material support, its priorities and performance, and the systems for recruitment, training and career development of personnel.
An analysis of the current legal framework.
Identification of the specific needs of Bulgarian citizens in terms of access to quality security and administrative services.
Identification of the main sources of administrative stress and the reasons for their existence.
(1 year)


Second stage. Development and adoption of a strategy for reform and development of the Ministry of Interior. 

Prioritisation. Identification and planning of necessary and possible changes in structure and staffing. Planning of changes in the systems for recruitment, training and career development of staff, the financial provision of staff, the system of rewards and sanctions. Planning of logistical support.
Subjecting all elements and stages of planning to broad public consultation in order to achieve political and public consensus.
(1 year)


Third stage. Implementation of the reform.

Implementation of planned changes. Careful and precise implementation of the adopted strategy and implementation of the necessary changes. Financial provision. Continuous analysis of results and readiness to make adjustments where necessary.
Continuous citizen monitoring of the implementation of the reform.
(4-6 years)


Critical prerequisites.    
Civil society participation at all stages of reform planning and implementation.
Direct and active involvement of the Ministry of Interior employees’ unions throughout the process – as a source of serious expertise and feedback.
A fundamental review of the role of social dialogue in the system.